
Authorised Collective Investment Schemes in Ireland

Did You Know? The Number of Authorised Collective Investment Schemes in Ireland …..

…as of 28 February 2014, the Central Bank of Ireland has issued authorisations for the following classes of Collective Investment Schemes were …….

495 (3,336 including sub-funds) UCITS 

Under the European Communities (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) Regulations, 2011


487 (1,353 including sub-funds) Designated Investment Companies

Under Companies Act, 1990 Part XIII


190 (850 including sub-funds) Unit Trust Schemes

Under Unit Trusts Act, 1990


13 (44 including sub-funds) Common Contractual Funds 

Under Investment Funds, Companies and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 2005


7 Investment Limited Partnerships

Under Investment Limited Partnerships Act, 1994


77 Management Companies

under the European Communities (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) Regulations, 2011 (as of 31 March 2014)