
Authorised Collective Investment Schemes in Ireland

Did You Know? The Number of Authorised Collective Investment Schemes in Ireland ….. …as of 28 February 2014, the Central Bank of Ireland has issued authorisations for the following classes of Collective Investment Schemes were ……. 495 (3,336 including sub-funds) UCITS  Under the European Communities (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable…

In: Funds

UCITS Questions and Answers

The Central Bank of Ireland has published its first “UCITS Questions and Answers” document on 4 February 2014. The Q&A endeavours to answer o queries likely to arise in relation to UCITS. The Central Bank of Ireland has  published it in order to assist in limiting uncertainty. It is not relevant to…

In: Funds

AIFMD Questions and Answers

The Central Bank of Ireland has of 4 February 2014 published its seventh edition of its “AIFMD Question and Answers” publication. The Q&A document is designed to answers to questions that practitioners and managers are  to raise in relation to the implementation of the AIFMD. The Central Bank of Ireland publish the…

In: Funds

AIFM Applications

21 February 2014 – Deadline for initial submissions of AIFMD license: The Central Bank of Ireland has published a note reminding all AIFM’s as the transitional date for compliance with the AIFM regulations is 22 July 2014. The Central Bank following previous contacts has announced that 21 February 2014 is the latest date…

In: Funds