Corporate Governance

Central Bank of Ireland, DublinCorporate Governance is the framework within which a company is directed and controlled.


If an entity operates in a regulated environment the minimum framework within which that governance is effected is either prescribed by the regulatory body in question, for example the “Corporate Governance Code for Credit Institutions and Insurance Undertakings” (Source, Central Bank of Ireland) or a sectoral industry standard such as promoted by the Irish Fund Industry Association produced, “Corporate Governance Code for Collective Investment Schemes and Management Companies”.


The intention of prescribed corporate governance standards are not intended to interfere in the running of an enterprise but rather to provide a structure through which the objectives of the Company may be achieved effectively taking cognisance of certain tenets, notably risk management and directing the relationship with all stakeholders.


The Central Bank of Ireland has further driven the discussion of corporate governance in Irish boardrooms within the financial services sector notably through the operation of the “Fitness & Probity” regime, which became effective on 1 December 2011.


At “Ireland Financial Services”, we can support an enterprise in establishing and documenting its own corporate governance framework or assisting an existing enterprise in assessing how effectively its governance framework is operating.


For further details on the services offered please “Contact Us”.