
Convention Centre in Dublin's docklands area

Convention Centre in Dublin’s docklands area

Dublin is a major international centre for reinsurance activities, both life and general. The basis of reinsurance activities emanates from the European Union Directives on Reinsurance (“S.I. 380 of 2006, European Communities Reinsurance Regulations, 2006”).


We develop & implement tailored plans acting as a coordinator to implement guide and support institutions through the regulatory, legal, corporate & governance requirements and infrastructural implementation to ensure our client achieves its goals as efficiently and effectively as possible.


At “Ireland Financial Services.Com” we can support clients enterprise in a number of ways, including but not limited to;

-       Physical Infrastructure Planning, including office identification & recruitment

-       Business Plan Development & Submission to the Central Bank of Ireland

-       Corporate Governance Framework, including the documentation of corporate policies & compliance manual

-       Establishing a Risk Management Framework supporting the Risk Appetite Statement

-       Solvency 2 implementation

-       Portfolio Transfers & management of run-off portfolios

-       Non-Executive Appointments

-       Interim Executive Appointments


For further details on the services offered please Contact Us.