Why Ireland?

Ireland is ready & willing to support your ideas, to deliver on your enterprises ambitions!

Ireland is a country that…..


… is youthful, exuberant yet conservative in a political and social context that has withstood the challenges of the financial crisis.


… as a member of the European Union is part of the single European Market, providing vast opportunities such a market brings.


… is geographically located on the western edge of Europe, it is strategically located between the trading hubs of the continents of Europe and America.


… has a population of in excess 4.4 million people with 34% of the population under the age of 25.


… has an open, flexible economy that is adaptive and inventive in grasping opportunities that is supported by an educated workforce & supportive of a knowledge based economy.


… has a corporation tax rate of 12.5%.


… possesses a financial regulator that is playing its part at the heart of European regulatory discussion; that supporting industry in preparedness, creating opportunities & developing a fit for purpose regulatory model in the fast paced world of international financial services.